

Human Action Recognition Using Distribution of Oriented Rectangular Patches

14 years 9 months ago
Human Action Recognition Using Distribution of Oriented Rectangular Patches
We describe a “bag-of-rectangles” method for representing and recognizing human actions in videos. In this method, each human pose in an action sequence is represented by oriented rectangular patches extracted over the whole body. Then, spatial oriented histograms are formed to represent the distribution of these rectangular patches. In order to carry the information from the spatial domain described by the bag-of-rectangles descriptor to temporal domain for recognition of the actions, four different methods are proposed. These are namely, (i) frame by frame voting, which recognizes the actions by matching the descriptors of each frame, (ii) global histogramming, which extends the idea of Motion Energy Image proposed by Bobick and Davis by rectangular patches, (iii) a classifier based approach using SVMs, and (iv) adaptation of Dynamic Time Warping on the temporal representation of the descriptor. The detailed experiments are carried out on the action dataset of Blank et. al. Hig...
Nazli Ikizler, Pinar Duygulu
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where HUMO
Authors Nazli Ikizler, Pinar Duygulu
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