

Human-in-the-Loop: Terminal constraint receding horizon control with human inputs

13 years 10 months ago
Human-in-the-Loop: Terminal constraint receding horizon control with human inputs
Abstract-- This paper presents a control theoretic formulation and optimal control solution for integrating human control inputs subject to linear state constraints. The formulation utilizes a receding horizon optimal controller to update the control effort given the most recent state and human control input information. The novel solution to the corresponding finite horizon optimal control problem with terminal constraint is derived using Hilbert space methods. The control laws are applied to two planar human-driven mass-cart pendula, where the task is to synchronize the pendula's oscillations.
Rahul Chipalkatty, Magnus Egerstedt
Added 13 Feb 2011
Updated 13 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Rahul Chipalkatty, Magnus Egerstedt
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