

Imperfection-immune VLSI logic circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors

14 years 9 months ago
Imperfection-immune VLSI logic circuits using Carbon Nanotube Field Effect Transistors
Carbon Nanotube Field-Effect Transistors (CNFETs) show big promise as extensions to silicon-CMOS because: 1) Ideal CNFETs can provide significant energy and performance benefits over silicon-CMOS, and 2) CNFET processing is compatible with existing silicon-CMOS processing. However, future gigascale systems cannot rely solely on existing chemical synthesis for guaranteed ideal devices. VLSI-scale logic circuits using CNFETs must overcome major challenges posed by: 1) Misaligned and mispositioned Carbon Nanotubes (CNTs); 2) Metallic CNTs; and, 3) CNT density variations. This paper performs detailed analysis of the impact of these challenges on CNFET circuit performance. A combination of design and processing techniques, presented this paper, can enable VLSI-scale CNFET logic circuits that are immune to high rates of inherent imperfections. These techniques are inexpensive compared to traditional defect- and fault-tolerance, do not impose major changes in VLSI design flows, and are compa...
Subhasish Mitra, Jie Zhang, Nishant Patil, Hai Wei
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where DATE
Authors Subhasish Mitra, Jie Zhang, Nishant Patil, Hai Wei
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