Multilevel Fiduccia-Mattheyses MLFM hypergraph partitioning 3, 22, 24 is a fundamental optimization in VLSI CAD physical design. The leading implementation, hMetis 23 , has since 1997 proved itself substantially superior in both runtime and solution quality to even very recent works e.g., 13, 17, 25 . In this work, we present two sets of results: i new techniques for at FM-based hypergraph partitioning which is the core of multilevel implementations, and ii a new multilevel implementation that o ers leadingedge performance. Our new techniques for at partitioning con rm the conjecture from 10 , suggesting that specialized partitioning heuristics may be able to actively exploit xednodes in partitioning instances arising in the driving top-down placement context. Our FM variant is competitive with traditional FM on instances without terminals 1 and considerably superior on instances with xed nodes i.e., arising during top-down placement 8 . Our multilevel FM variant avoids se...
Andrew E. Caldwell, Andrew B. Kahng, Igor L. Marko