

Integrating Ethical Content Into Computing Curricula

14 years 1 months ago
Integrating Ethical Content Into Computing Curricula
This paper contributes to the ongoing dialogue about the inclusion of ethics content within computing education. It presents a brief exposition of the challenges facing the teaching of ethics, favouring a highly integrated approach across the curriculum. As an example of how some of those challenges may be simply addressed, it introduces a non-intrusive means of motivating an ethical dimension within existing units of study by innovative use of a survey instrument. The focus of discussion is on the use of this instrument to explore issues related to plagiarism. Finally, the paper appraises this simple concept in terms of the challenges raised at the head of the paper.
Tony Greening, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ACE
Authors Tony Greening, Judy Kay, Bob Kummerfeld
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