

IT Service Processes - State and Open Issues

14 years 4 months ago
IT Service Processes - State and Open Issues
- Extended Abstract of Industrial Talk IT services are an important means to achieve competitive advantages by creating new business models or by reducing costs. Furthermore, there is an increasing pressure to provide IT services economically. Therefore, the provision and management of Information Technology (IT) services has become an important topic in many enterprises. IT services are provided and managed by so-called IT processes. They control activities to transform IT resources and coordinate the people involved in the IT processes. Unfortunately, there are only a few academic approaches in the area of IT service processes. A first approach to capture the special properties of service process is presented in ServiceFlow [KlWe01], [WeKl04], [WeKl03]. It describes how to model service processes and how to execute them. In [B
Rainer Schmidt
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Rainer Schmidt
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