

Mapping Out a Path from Hardware Transactional Memory to Speculative Multithreading

14 years 6 months ago
Mapping Out a Path from Hardware Transactional Memory to Speculative Multithreading
— This research demonstrates that coming support for hardware transactional memory can be leveraged to significantly reduce the cost of implementing true speculative multithreading. In particular, it explores the path from eager conflict detection HTM to full support of efficient speculative multithreading, focusing on the case where frequent memory dependencies exist between speculative threads. The result is a unified memory architecture capable of effective support for transactional parallel workloads and efficient speculative multithreading. Keywords-Chip Multiprocessors, Speculative Multithreading, Transactional Memory
Leo Porter, Bumyong Choi, Dean M. Tullsen
Added 24 May 2010
Updated 24 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Leo Porter, Bumyong Choi, Dean M. Tullsen
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