

Memory access scheduling and binding considering energy minimization in multi-bank memory systems

15 years 1 months ago
Memory access scheduling and binding considering energy minimization in multi-bank memory systems
Memory-related activity is one of the major sources of energy consumption in embedded systems. Many types of memories used in embedded systems allow multiple operating modes (e.g., active, standby, nap, power-down) to facilitate energy saving. Furthermore, it has been known that the potential energy saving increases when the embedded systems use multiple memory banks in which their operating modes are controlled independently. In this paper, we propose (a compiler-directed) integrated approach to the problem of maximally utilizing the operating modes of multiple memory banks by solving the three important tasks simultaneously: (1) assignment of variables to memory banks, (2) scheduling of memory access operations, and (3) determination of operating modes of banks. Specifically, for an instance of tasks 1 and 2, we formulate task 3 as a shortest path(SP) problem in a network and solved it optimally. We then develop an SP-based heuristic that solves tasks 2 and 3 efficiently in an integ...
Chun-Gi Lyuh, Taewhan Kim
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where DAC
Authors Chun-Gi Lyuh, Taewhan Kim
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