

Minimum-Perimeter Intersecting Polygons

14 years 10 months ago
Minimum-Perimeter Intersecting Polygons
Given a set S of segments in the plane, a polygon P is an intersecting polygon of S if every segment in S intersects the interior or the boundary of P. The problem MPIP of computing a minimum-perimeter intersecting polygon of a given set of n segments in the plane was first considered by Rappaport in 1995. This problem is not known to be polynomial, nor it is known to be NP-hard. Rappaport (1995) gave an exponential-time exact algorithm for MPIP. Hassanzadeh and Rappaport (2009) gave a polynomial-time approximation algorithm with ratio π
Adrian Dumitrescu, Minghui Jiang
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Adrian Dumitrescu, Minghui Jiang
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