

Mobile Augmented Reality Techniques for GeoVisualisation

14 years 8 months ago
Mobile Augmented Reality Techniques for GeoVisualisation
This paper presents the first prototype of an interactive visualisation framework specifically designed for presenting geographical information in both indoor and outdoor environments. The input of our system is ESRI Shapefiles which represent 3D building geometry and landuse attributes. Participants can visualise 3D reconstructions of geographical information in real-time based on two visualisation clients: a mobile VR interface and a tangible AR interface. To prove the functionality of our system an educational application specifically designed for university students is illustrated with some initial results. Finally, our conclusions as well as future work are presented. Keywords--- Augmented Reality, Mobile Interfaces, Human-Computer Interaction, Geographical Information Systems.
Fotis Liarokapis, Ian Greatbatch, David Mountain,
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where IV
Authors Fotis Liarokapis, Ian Greatbatch, David Mountain, Anil Gunesh, Vesna Brujic-Okretic, Jonathan Raper
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