

Modeling Soft-Error Susceptibility for IP Blocks

14 years 9 months ago
Modeling Soft-Error Susceptibility for IP Blocks
As device geometries continue to shrink, single event upsets are becoming of concern to a wider spectrum of system designers. These “soft errors” can be a nuisance or catastrophic, depending on the application, but they must be understood and their effects budgeted for. Ultimately, experimental measurement is needed to quantify soft error rates, but after-the-fact measurement is too late to make changes. This paper shows a methodology that can be used to estimate the soft error properties of individual IP blocks by using a combination of critical charge calculations and experimental data. 1 Background: Soft Errors Single event upsets (SEU) result from a variety of physical phenomena, including alpha emissions from radioactive decay in solder, high-energy (>1MeV) neutrons from atmospheric cosmic ray collisions, and thermal neutrons and heavy ions from nearby radioactive events (cosmic ray or decay related). All but high-energy neutrons can be protected against through judicious ...
Robert C. Aitken, Betina Hold
Added 25 Jun 2010
Updated 25 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Robert C. Aitken, Betina Hold
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