Microprocessor design is undergoing a major paradigm shift towards multi-core designs, in anticipation that future performance gains will come from exploiting threadlevel parallelism in the software. To support this trend, we present a novel processor architecture called the Multiple Instruction Stream Processing (MISP) architecture. MISP introduces the sequencer as a new category of architectural resource, and defines a canonical set of instructions to support user-level inter-sequencer signaling and asynchronous control transfer. MISP allows an application program to directly manage user-level threads without OS intervention. By supporting the classic cache-coherent shared-memory programming model, MISP does not require a radical shift in the multithreaded programming paradigm. This paper describes the design and evaluation of the MISP architecture for the IA-32 family of microprocessors. Using a research prototype MISP processor built on an IA-32-based multiprocessor system equipp...
Richard A. Hankins, Gautham N. Chinya, Jamison D.