

Multiscale Visualization of Small World Networks

14 years 7 months ago
Multiscale Visualization of Small World Networks
Many networks under study in Information Visualization are “small world” networks. These networks first appeared in the study social networks and were shown to be relevant models in other application domains such as software reverse engineering and biology. Furthermore, many of these networks actually have a multiscale nature: they can be viewed as a network of groups that are themselves small world networks. We describe a metric that has been designed in order to identify the weakest edges in a small world network leading to an easy and low cost filtering procedure that breaks up a graph into smaller and highly connected components. We show how this metric can be exploited through an interactive navigation of the network based on semantic zooming. Once the network is decomposed into a hierarchy of sub-networks, a user can easily find groups and subgroups of actors and understand their dynamics. CR Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.3 Computer Graphics: Picture/Image Generati...
David Auber, Yves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy M
Added 04 Jul 2010
Updated 04 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors David Auber, Yves Chiricota, Fabien Jourdan, Guy Melançon
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