

A Natural Language Virtual Tutoring System

14 years 4 months ago
A Natural Language Virtual Tutoring System
In this paper we present a natural language virtual tutoring system that has been developed to assist students during the learning process. For this purpose, we have used several technologies such as conversational agents and ontologies. Our system presents two advantages over traditional Content Management Systems (CMS). On the one hand, passive teaching material turns into active learning objects which students can interact with. On the other hand, our system assists students by means of a conversational agent that simulates a tutor who explains the lessons of the subject and helps students with those concepts that they find difficult to understand. KEYWORDS Virtual tutor, conversational agent, e-learning, ontology.
Eduardo M. Eisman, Víctor López, Jua
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Eduardo M. Eisman, Víctor López, Juan Luis Castro
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