

OpenGL Multipipe SDK: A Toolkit for Scalable Parallel Rendering

15 years 3 months ago
OpenGL Multipipe SDK: A Toolkit for Scalable Parallel Rendering
We describe OpenGL Multipipe SDK (MPK), a toolkit for scalable parallel rendering based on OpenGL. MPK provides a uniform application programming interface (API) to manage scalable graphics applications across many different graphics subsystems. MPKbased applications run seamlessly from single-processor, singlepipe desktop systems to large multi-processor, multipipe scalable graphics systems. The application is oblivious of the system configuration, which can be specified through a configuration file at run time. To scale application performance, MPK uses a decomposition system that supports different modes for task partitioning and implements optimized GPU-based composition algorithms. MPK also provides a customizable image composition interface, which can be used to apply post-processing algorithms on raw pixel data obtained from executing sub-tasks on multiple graphics pipes in parallel. This can be used to implement parallel versions of any GPUbased algorithm, not necessarily used...
Praveen Bhaniramka, Philippe C. D. Robert, Stefan
Added 05 Nov 2009
Updated 05 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where VIS
Authors Praveen Bhaniramka, Philippe C. D. Robert, Stefan Eilemann
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