

Paging and Registration in Cellular Networks: Jointly Optimal Policies and an Iterative Algorithm

14 years 12 days ago
Paging and Registration in Cellular Networks: Jointly Optimal Policies and an Iterative Algorithm
— This paper explores optimization of paging and registration policies in cellular networks. Motion is modeled as a discrete-time Markov process, and minimization of the discounted, infinite-horizon average cost is addressed. The structure of jointly optimal paging and registration policies is investigated through the use of dynamic programming for partially observed processes. It is shown that there exist policies with a certain simple structure that are jointly optimal, though the dynamic programming approach does not directly provide an efficient method to find the policies. An iterative algorithm for policies with the simple form is proposed and investigated. The algorithm alternates between paging policy optimization and registration policy optimization. It finds a pair of individually optimal policies, but an example is given showing that the policies need not be jointly optimal.
Bruce Hajek, Kevin Mitzel, Sichao Yang
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CORR
Authors Bruce Hajek, Kevin Mitzel, Sichao Yang
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