

The pairwise disconnectivity index as a new metric for the topological analysis of regulatory networks

14 years 2 months ago
The pairwise disconnectivity index as a new metric for the topological analysis of regulatory networks
Background: Currently, there is a gap between purely theoretical studies of the topology of large bioregulatory networks and the practical traditions and interests of experimentalists. While the theoretical approaches emphasize the global characterization of regulatory systems, the practical approaches focus on the role of distinct molecules and genes in regulation. To bridge the gap between these opposite approaches, one needs to combine 'general' with 'particular' properties slate abstract topological features of large systems into testable functional characteristics of individual components. Here, we propose a new topological parameter
Anatolij Potapov, Björn Goemann, Edgar Wingen
Added 08 Dec 2010
Updated 08 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Anatolij Potapov, Björn Goemann, Edgar Wingender
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