

Parameterized Animation Compression

14 years 6 months ago
Parameterized Animation Compression
Synthetic images can be parameterized by more than time or viewpoint. We generalize image-based rendering by exploiting texture-mapping graphics hardware to decompress ray-traced animations. The animations are parameterized by two or more arbitrary variables allowing view/lighting changes or relative motion of objects. Starting with a field of ray-traced images and a description of the shading models, camera parameters, and scene geometry, we encode the parameterized animation as a set of per-object parameterized textures. We present a novel method to infer texture maps from the ray-tracer's segmented imagery that provide the best match when applied by graphics hardware. The parameterized textures are encoded as a multidimensional Laplacian pyramid on fixed size blocks of parameter space. This scheme captures the great coherence in parameterized animations and, unlike previous work, decodes directly into texture maps that load into hardware with a few, simple image operations. We...
Ziyad S. Hakura, Jerome Edward Lengyel, John M. Sn
Added 25 Aug 2010
Updated 25 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where RT
Authors Ziyad S. Hakura, Jerome Edward Lengyel, John M. Snyder
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