

Perception Errors in Vision Guided Walking: Analysis, Modeling, and Filtering

14 years 5 months ago
Perception Errors in Vision Guided Walking: Analysis, Modeling, and Filtering
This article deals with specific aspects concerning the visual perception process of a humanoid walking machine. An active vision system provides the information about the environment necessary for autonomous goal-oriented locomotion. Due to errors in each stage of the perception process, ideal environment reconstruction is not possible. By modeling these errors, stochastic components can be compensated using a hybrid Extended Kalman Filter approach with an alternating reference frame, thus reflecting the discontinuous character of biped walking. The perception results improved by filtering can be used for the autonomous locomotion of the robot. Experiments with the walking machine BARt-UH1 demonstrate the validity of our approach.
Oliver Lorch, Javier F. Seara, Klaus H. Strobl, Uw
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where ICRA
Authors Oliver Lorch, Javier F. Seara, Klaus H. Strobl, Uwe D. Hanebeck, Günther Schmidt
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