

A performance sensitive hormone-inspired system for task distribution amongst evolving robots

14 years 10 months ago
A performance sensitive hormone-inspired system for task distribution amongst evolving robots
— A hormone-inspired task scheduling method is described which assigns tasks to a group of robots, taking into account the robots’ performances. This method draws on previous work using endocrine-based methodologies, and incorporates existing evolutionary robotics methods. In the resulting system, robot performance data, generated as part of evolution , is used to autonomously reassign tasks amongst the group, without the use of a central controller. I. MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATION The aim of this work was to design a method for autonomous task assignment within a robot group. The method should re-assign tasks upon change, for example when a robot breaks down or when the nature of the group changes. In addition, to avoid introducing a point of weakness to the system, the method should not rely on a central controller. In formulating the design, biological systems were considered because they represent extant methods which coordinate a range of functions. More specifically, the human...
Joanne H. Walker, Myra S. Wilson
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IROS
Authors Joanne H. Walker, Myra S. Wilson
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