
133views Control Systems» more  CDC 2010»
13 years 10 months ago
Decentralized task assignment in camera networks
The problem of task assignment naturally arises in multiagent multitask systems, where an optimal matching of agents and tasks is sought. This problem is a combinatorial optimizati...
Angelo Cenedese, Federico Cerruti, Mirko Fabbro, C...
103views more  RAS 2007»
14 years 2 months ago
A decomposition approach to multi-vehicle cooperative control
We use a decomposition approach to generate cooperative strategies for a class of multi-vehicle control problems. By introducing a set of tasks to be completed by the team of vehi...
Matthew G. Earl, Raffaello D'Andrea
92views more  JPDC 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
Task assignment in heterogeneous computing systems
The problem of task assignment in heterogeneous computing systems has been studied for many years with many variations. We consider the version in which communicating tasks are to...
Bora Uçar, Cevdet Aykanat, Kamer Kaya, Mura...
136views more  CSI 2006»
14 years 3 months ago
A hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm for optimal task assignment in distributed systems
In a distributed system, a number of application tasks may need to be assigned to different processors such that the system cost is minimized and the constraints with limited reso...
Peng-Yeng Yin, Shiuh-Sheng Yu, Pei-Pei Wang, Yi-Te...
217views Control Systems» more  CDC 2009»
14 years 4 months ago
Discrete invasive weed optimization algorithm: application to cooperative multiple task assignment of UAVs
This paper presents a novel discrete population based stochastic optimization algorithm inspired from weed colonization. Its performance in a discrete benchmark, timecost trade-off...
Mohsen Ramezani Ghalenoei, Hossein Hajimirsadeghi,...
14 years 4 months ago
Task Assignment Based on Prioritising Traffic Flows
Abstract. We consider the issue of task assignment in a distributed system under heavy-tailed (ie. highly variable) workloads. A new adaptable approach called TAPTF (Task Assignmen...
James Broberg, Zahir Tari, Panlop Zeephongsekul
119views Hardware» more  ERSA 2006»
14 years 4 months ago
Exploiting Hierarchical Configuration to Improve Run-Time MPSoC Task Assignment
Run-time assignment of a set of communicating tasks onto a heterogeneous multiprocessor system-on-chip (MPSoC) platform is a challenging task. Having FPGA fabric tiles in such MPS...
Vincent Nollet, Prabhat Avasare, Diederik Verkest,...
14 years 6 months ago
Gradient field-based task assignment in an AGV transportation system
Assigning tasks to agents is complex, especially in highly dynamic environments. Typical protocol-based approaches for task assignment such as Contract Net have proven their value...
Danny Weyns, Nelis Boucké, Tom Holvoet
115views Hardware» more  CPE 1998»
14 years 7 months ago
On Choosing a Task Assignment Policy for a Distributed Server System
We consider a distributed server system model and ask which policy should be used for assigning tasks to hosts. In our model each host processes tasks in First-Come-First-Serve ord...
Mor Harchol-Balter, Mark Crovella, Cristina D. Mur...
14 years 7 months ago
Multiple Cost Optimization for Task Assignment in Heterogeneous Computing Systems Using Learning Automata
A framework for task assignment in heterogeneous computing systems is presented in this work. The framework is based on a learning automata model. The proposed model can be used f...
Raju D. Venkataramana, N. Ranganathan