

PhyloNet: a software package for analyzing and reconstructing reticulate evolutionary relationships

14 years 2 months ago
PhyloNet: a software package for analyzing and reconstructing reticulate evolutionary relationships
Background: Phylogenies, i.e., the evolutionary histories of groups of taxa, play a major role in representing the interrelationships among biological entities. Many software tools for reconstructing and evaluating such phylogenies have been proposed, almost all of which assume the underlying evolutionary history to be a tree. While trees give a satisfactory first-order approximation for many families of organisms, other families exhibit evolutionary mechanisms that cannot be represented by trees. Processes such as horizontal gene transfer (HGT), hybrid speciation, and interspecific recombination, collectively referred to as reticulate evolutionary events, result in networks, rather than trees, of relationships. Various software tools have been recently developed to analyze reticulate evolutionary relationships, which include SplitsTree4, LatTrans, EEEP, HorizStory, and T-REX. Results: In this paper, we report on the PhyloNet software package, which is a suite of tools for analyzing r...
Cuong Than, Derek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh
Added 09 Dec 2010
Updated 09 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Authors Cuong Than, Derek A. Ruths, Luay Nakhleh
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