Many applications in computer vision require comparisons
between two images of the same scene. Comparison
applications usually assume that corresponding regions in
the two images have similar colors. However, this assumption
is not always true. One way to deal with this problem is
to apply a color mapping to one of the images. In this paper
we address the challenge of computing color mappings between
pairs of images acquired under different acquisition
conditions, and possibly by different cameras. For images
taken from different viewpoints, our proposed method overcomes
the lack of pixel correspondence. For images taken
under different illumination, we show that no single color
mapping exists, and we address and solve a new problem
of computing a minimal set of piecewise color mappings.
When both viewpoint and illumination vary, our method can
only handle planar regions of the scene. In this case, the
scene planar regions are simultaneously co-segmented in
the two ima...
S. Kagarlitsky, Y. Moses, and Y. Hel-Or