

Planning 3D Task Demonstrations of a Teleoperated Space Robot Arm

14 years 2 months ago
Planning 3D Task Demonstrations of a Teleoperated Space Robot Arm
We present an automated planning application for generating 3D tasks demonstrations involving a teleoperated robot arm on the International Space Station (ISS). A typical task demonstration involves moving the robot arm from one configuration to another. Our objective is to automatically plan the position of virtual cameras to film the arm in a manner that conveys the best awareness of the robot trajectory to the user. Given a new task, or given changes to a task previously planned, our system automatically and efficiently generates 3D demonstrations of the task without the intervention of a computer graphics programmer. For a given task, the robot trajectory is generated using a path planner. Then we consider the filming of the trajectory as a sequence of shots satisfying some temporally extended goal conveying constraints on the desirable positioning of virtual cameras. Then a temporallogic based planning system (TLPlan) is used to generate a 3D movie satisfying the goal. One motiva...
Froduald Kabanza, Khaled Belghith, Philipe Bellefe
Added 02 Oct 2010
Updated 02 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AIPS
Authors Froduald Kabanza, Khaled Belghith, Philipe Bellefeuille, Benjamin Auder, Leo Hartman
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