The formiila-based I<,JJ model is a figiire of merit for the inductive coirpling, and has been used to solve the simrrltaneoris shield insertion and net ordering (SINO) and simisltaneorissignal and power routing (SPR)problems. In this papec we first show ihat the Iivf,fmodel has a high fidelity compared to the SPICE-computed noise rinder an accurate KLC circuit model. Wethen develop .simpleyet accurate Jormrilae to estimate numbers of shields needed by optimal SINO solitlions rinder the liejjmodel. Extensive e.yeriments show that our pre-routing estimation has errors less lhan 10% compared to solutions given by detailed S I N 0 algorithms. These .fimnrslae can fie irsed eJfecliveIy as a pre-routing congestion estimation jor layorit planning and synthesis.
James D. Z. Ma, Arvind Parihar, Lei He