

Predictor-Corrector Schemes for Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Data

15 years 1 months ago
Predictor-Corrector Schemes for Visualization of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Data
Abstract--In this paper we present a method for vortex core line extraction which operates directly on the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) representation and, by this, generates smoother and more (spatially and temporally) coherent results in an efficient way. The underlying predictor-corrector scheme is general enough to be applied to other line-type features and it is extendable to the extraction of surfaces such as isosurfaces or Lagrangian coherent structures. The proposed method exploits temporal coherence to speed up computation for subsequent time steps. We show how the predictor-corrector formulation can be specialized for several variants of vortex core line definitions including two recent unsteady extensions, and we contribute a theoretical and practical comparison of these. In particular, we reveal a close relation between unsteady extensions of Fuchs et al. and Weinkauf et al. and we give a proof of the Galilean invariance of the latter. When visualizing SPH data, th...
Benjamin Schindler, Raphael Fuchs, John Biddisco
Added 06 Nov 2009
Updated 15 Feb 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where VIS
Authors Benjamin Schindler, Raphael Fuchs, John Biddiscombe, Ronald Peikert
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