

Promoting intergenerational communication through location-based asynchronous video communication

13 years 2 days ago
Promoting intergenerational communication through location-based asynchronous video communication
We describe the design and field evaluation of the Serendipitous Family Stories system, a web and mobile service that allows for videos to be saved in user-specified real-world locations, shared with friends and family, and then serendipitously discovered as those people approach the location of a story. Through a twenty-participant field evaluation, we discovered how this new form of locationbased asynchronous communication can be used to strengthen family relationships by encouraging communication across generations and enhancing users’ relationships with everyday places in their lives. Author Keywords Intergenerational communication, video sharing, mobile, reminiscing, storytelling, evaluation ACM Classification Keywords H.4.3 Communications Applications H.5.1 Multimedia Information Systems H5.m. Information interfaces and presentation (e.g., HCI): Miscellaneous General Terms Design, Experimentation, Human Factors
Frank R. Bentley, Santosh Basapur, Sujoy Kumar Cho
Added 23 Dec 2011
Updated 23 Dec 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where HUC
Authors Frank R. Bentley, Santosh Basapur, Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
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