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We describe the design and field evaluation of the Serendipitous Family Stories system, a web and mobile service that allows for videos to be saved in user-specified real-world lo...
Frank R. Bentley, Santosh Basapur, Sujoy Kumar Cho...
Alternate Reality Games (ARGs) are interactive narrative experiences that engage the player by layering a fictional world over the real world. Mobile ARG stories are often geo-sp...
Andrew Macvean, Sanjeet Hajarnis, Brandon Headrick...
We lay out one strand of a continuing investigation into the development of a virtual peer to help children learn to use “school English” and “school-ratified science talk�...
Emilee Rader, Margaret Echelbarger, Justine Cassel...
Composition, listening, and performance are essential activities in classroom music education, yet conventional music classes impose unnecessary limitations on students’ ability...
Yinsheng Zhou, Graham Percival, Xinxi Wang, Ye Wan...
We present our initial results in developing a framework for collaborative multimedia authoring tools. This research is motivated by the lack of tools that take into account consu...
This paper describes the influence of visual stimulation on the tactual sense in a mixed-reality environment; i.e., how a tactual impression of a real object is affected by seeing...
We present an inexpensive, interactive ubiquitous computing system that supports information presentation on demand using a novel "card reading" interaction style. We�...
Aradhana Goel, Michael Higgins, Mickey McManus, Ma...
Multichannel publication of multimedia presentations poses a significant challenge on the generic description of the presentation content and the system necessary to convert these...
Tom Beckers, Nico Oorts, Filip Hendrickx, Rik Van ...