

Radiosity on Graphics Hardware

14 years 3 months ago
Radiosity on Graphics Hardware
Radiosity is a widely used technique for global illumination. Typically the computation is performed offline and the result is viewed interactively. We present a technique for computing radiosity, including an adaptive subdivision of the model, using graphics hardware. Since our goal is to run at interactive rates, we exploit the computational power and programmability of modern graphics hardware. Using our system on current hardware, we have been able to compute and display a radiosity solution for a 10,000 element scene in less than one second. Key words: Graphics Hardware, Global Illumination.
Greg Coombe, Mark J. Harris, Anselmo Lastra
Added 30 Oct 2010
Updated 30 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Greg Coombe, Mark J. Harris, Anselmo Lastra
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