

Rendering and Simulation of Liquid Foams

14 years 3 months ago
Rendering and Simulation of Liquid Foams
In this paper we present a technique for rendering and simulating liquid foams in real time using GPUs [11, 12]. The goal is to have bubbles meeting physical properties when interacting with each other and with other geometric objects such as planes and further giving a realistic geometric appearance, showing the detailed facet of intersecting bubbles. We achieve this using two rendering stages. In the first step, the bubble interactions are simulated, simultaneously computing the cutting planes of all intersecting pairs of bubbles. Then the spheres are rendered using CG shaders. A vertex shader is fed with the intersection informations and displaces the sphere vertices onto the cutting planes. A pixel shader computes lighting using Fresnel term.
Martin Sunkel, Jan Kautz, Hans-Peter Seidel
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where VMV
Authors Martin Sunkel, Jan Kautz, Hans-Peter Seidel
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