

Robots at home: Understanding long-term human-robot interaction

14 years 8 months ago
Robots at home: Understanding long-term human-robot interaction
— Human-robot interaction (HRI) is now well enough understood to allow us to build useful systems that can function outside of the laboratory. We are studying longterm interaction in natural user environments and describe the implementation of a robot designed to help individuals effect behavior change while dieting. Our robotic weight loss coach is compared to a standalone computer and to a traditional paper log in a controlled study. We describe the software model used to create a successful long-term HRI in this application. We also summarize the experimental design, analysis, and results of our study, the first where a sociable robot interacts with a user to achieve behavior change. Results of our study show that participants track their calorie consumption and exercise for nearly twice as long when using the robot than with the other methods and develop a closer relationship with the robot. Both of these are indicators of longer-term success at weight loss and maintenance and s...
Cory D. Kidd, Cynthia Breazeal
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where IROS
Authors Cory D. Kidd, Cynthia Breazeal
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