

Robust L2-gain control for nonlinear systems with projection dynamics and input constraints: an example from traffic control

14 years 4 days ago
Robust L2-gain control for nonlinear systems with projection dynamics and input constraints: an example from traffic control
We formulate the L2-gain control problem for a general nonlinear, state-space system with projection dynamics in the state evolution and hard constraints on the set of admissible inputs. We develope specific results for an example motivated by a traffic signal control problem. A statefeedback control with the desired properties is found in terms of the solution of an associated Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation (the storage function or value function of the associated game) and the critical point of the associated Hamiltonian function. Discontinuities in the resulting control as a function of the state and due to the boundary projection in the system dynamics lead to hybrid features of the closed-loop system, specifically jumps of the system description between two or more continuous-time models. Trajectories for the closed-loop dynamics must be interpreted as a differential set inclusion in the sense of Filippov. Construction of the storage function is via a generalized stable invarian...
Joseph A. Ball, Martin V. Day, Tungsheng Yu, Pushk
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1999
Authors Joseph A. Ball, Martin V. Day, Tungsheng Yu, Pushkin Kachroo
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