

Simultaneous object class and pose estimation for mobile robotic applications with minimalistic recognition

14 years 2 months ago
Simultaneous object class and pose estimation for mobile robotic applications with minimalistic recognition
Abstract— In this paper we address the problem of simultaneous object class and pose estimation using nothing more than object class label measurements from a generic object classifier. We detail a method for designing a likelihood function over the robot configuration space. This function provides a likelihood measure of an object being of a certain class given that the robot (from some position) sees and recognizes an object as being of some (possibly different) class. Using this likelihood function in a recursive Bayesian framework allows us to achieve a kind of spatial averaging and determine the object pose (up to certain ambiguities to be made precise). We show how inter-class confusion from certain robot viewpoints can actually increase the ability to determine the object pose. Our approach is motivated by the idea of minimalistic sensing since we use only class label measurements albeit we attempt to estimate the object pose in addition to the class.
Alper Aydemir, Adrian N. Bishop, Patric Jensfelt
Added 26 Jan 2011
Updated 26 Jan 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where ICRA
Authors Alper Aydemir, Adrian N. Bishop, Patric Jensfelt
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