

Simultaneous time slack budgeting and retiming for dual-Vdd FPGA power reduction

15 years 2 months ago
Simultaneous time slack budgeting and retiming for dual-Vdd FPGA power reduction
Field programmable dual-Vdd interconnects are effective to reduce FPGA power. Assuming uniform length interconnects, existing work has developed time slack budgeting to minimize power based on estimating the lower bound of power reduction using dual-Vdd for given time slack. In this paper, we show that such lower bound estimation cannot be extended to mixed length interconnects that are used in modern FPGAs. We develop a technique to estimate power reduction using dual-Vdd for mixed length interconnects, and apply linear programming (LP) to solve slack budgeting to minimize power for mixed length interconnects. Experiments show 53% power reduction on average compared to single-Vdd interconnects. Furthermore, this paper presents a simultaneous retiming and slack budgeting algorithm to reduce power in dual-Vdd FPGAs considering placement and flip-flop binding constraints. The algorithm is based on mixed integer and linear programming (MILP) and achieves up to 20% power reduction compare...
Yu Hu, Yan Lin, Lei He, Tim Tuan
Added 13 Nov 2009
Updated 13 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where DAC
Authors Yu Hu, Yan Lin, Lei He, Tim Tuan
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