

Speculative instruction validation for performance-reliability trade-off

14 years 8 months ago
Speculative instruction validation for performance-reliability trade-off
With reducing feature size, increasing chip capacity, and increasing clock speed, microprocessors are becoming increasingly susceptible to transient (soft) errors. Redundant multi-threading (RMT) is an attractive approach for concurrent error detection. RMT provides complete error coverage, while incurring a significant performance impact because of the redundant thread. Achieving perfect reliability at the expense of a high performance drop is not a good design option for systems where slight vulnerability may still achieve the desired error rates. In this paper, we explore speculative mechanisms to trade-off reliability for performance in RMT. Our basic approach validates the execution of an instruction by comparing its result against the expected result. Only those instructions are redundantly executed for which the validations fail. This mechanism is expected to have a minimal vulnerability impact because it is highly unlikely that an erroneous result matches the expected value. ...
Sumeet Kumar, Aneesh Aggarwal
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where HPCA
Authors Sumeet Kumar, Aneesh Aggarwal
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