

Statistical learning techniques applied to epidemiology: a simulated case-control comparison study with logistic regression

13 years 10 months ago
Statistical learning techniques applied to epidemiology: a simulated case-control comparison study with logistic regression
Background: When investigating covariate interactions and group associations with standard regression analyses, the relationship between the response variable and exposure may be difficult to characterize. When the relationship is nonlinear, linear modeling techniques do not capture the nonlinear information content. Statistical learning (SL) techniques with kernels are capable of addressing nonlinear problems without making parametric assumptions. However, these techniques do not produce findings relevant for epidemiologic interpretations. A simulated case-control study was used to contrast the information embedding characteristics and separation boundaries produced by a specific SL technique with logistic regression (LR) modeling representing a parametric approach. The SL technique was comprised of a kernel mapping in combination with a perceptron neural network. Because the LR model has an important epidemiologic interpretation, the SL method was modified to produce the analogous i...
John J. Heine, Walker H. Land Jr., Kathleen M. Ega
Added 15 May 2011
Updated 15 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors John J. Heine, Walker H. Land Jr., Kathleen M. Egan
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