

Synthesis of multiple-input translinear element networks

14 years 4 months ago
Synthesis of multiple-input translinear element networks
We describe two systematic procedures for synthesizing mutlipleinput translinear element (MITE) networks that produce an output current that is equal to product of a number of input currents, each of which is raised to an arbitrary rational power. By using the first procedure, we obtain a MITE network, called a two-layer network, that is relatively insensitive to mismatch in the MITE weight values. By using the second procedure, we arrive at a MITE network, called a cascade network, that reduces the fan-in required of each MITE. We illustrate each of these procedures with an example.
Bradley A. Minch, Paul E. Hasler, Chris Diorio
Added 03 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1999
Authors Bradley A. Minch, Paul E. Hasler, Chris Diorio
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