

A table-based method for single-pass cache optimization

14 years 9 months ago
A table-based method for single-pass cache optimization
Due to the large contribution of the memory subsystem to total system power, the memory subsystem is highly amenable to customization for reduced power/energy and/or improved performance. Cache parameters such as total size, line size, and associativity can be specialized to the needs of an application for system optimization. In order to determine the best values for cache parameters, most methodologies utilize repetitious application execution to individually analyze each configuration explored. In this paper we propose a simplified yet efficient technique to accurately estimate the miss rate of many different cache configurations in just one single-pass of execution. The approach utilizes simple data structures in the form of a multi-layered table and elementary bitwise operations to capture the locality characteristics of an application’s addressing behavior. The proposed technique intends to ease miss rate estimation and reduce cache exploration time. Categories and Subject...
Pablo Viana, Ann Gordon-Ross, Edna Barros, Frank V
Added 29 May 2010
Updated 29 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Pablo Viana, Ann Gordon-Ross, Edna Barros, Frank Vahid
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