

Technology mapping for k/m-macrocell based FPGAs

14 years 6 months ago
Technology mapping for k/m-macrocell based FPGAs
In this paper, we study the technology mapping problem for a novel FPGA architecture that is based on k-input single-output PLA-like cells, or, k/m-macrocells. Each cell in this architecture can implement a single output function of up to k inputs and up to m product terms. We develop a very efficient technology mapping algorithm, k_m_flow, for this new type of architecture. The experiment results show our algorithm can achieve depthoptimality in practically all cases. Furthermore it is shown that the k/m-macrocell based FPGAs are practically equivalent to the traditional k-LUT based FPGAs with only a relatively small number of product terms (mk+3). We also investigate the total area and delay of k/m-macrocell based FPGAs on various benchmarks to compare it with commonly used 4-LUT based FPGAs. The experimental result shows k/m-macrocell based FPGAs can outperform 4-LUT based FPGAs in terms of both delay and area after placement and routing by VPR.
Jason Cong, Hui Huang, Xin Yuan
Added 24 Aug 2010
Updated 24 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where FPGA
Authors Jason Cong, Hui Huang, Xin Yuan
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