

VaxiJen: a server for prediction of protective antigens, tumour antigens and subunit vaccines

14 years 3 months ago
VaxiJen: a server for prediction of protective antigens, tumour antigens and subunit vaccines
Background: Vaccine development in the post-genomic era often begins with the in silico screening of genome information, with the most probable protective antigens being predicted rather than requiring causative microorganisms to be grown. Despite the obvious advantages of this approach – such as speed and cost efficiency – its success remains dependent on the accuracy of antigen prediction. Most approaches use sequence alignment to identify antigens. This is problematic for several reasons. Some proteins lack obvious sequence similarity, although they may share similar structures and biological properties. The antigenicity of a sequence may be encoded in a subtle and recondite manner not amendable to direct identification by sequence alignment. The discovery of truly novel antigens will be frustrated by their lack of similarity to antigens of known provenance. To overcome the limitations of alignment-dependent methods, we propose a new alignment-free approach for antigen predicti...
Irini A. Doytchinova, Darren R. Flower
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Authors Irini A. Doytchinova, Darren R. Flower
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