Efficient capturing of the entire topological and geometric information of a 3D scene is an important feature in many graphics applications for rendering multi-fragment effects. Example applications include order independent transparency, volume rendering, CSG rendering, trimming, and shadow mapping all of which require operations on more than one fragment per pixel location. An influential multi-pass technique is front-to-back (F2B) depth peeling which works by peeling off a single fragment per pass and by exploiting the GPU capabilities to accumulate the final result. The major drawback of this peeling algorithm is that fragment layers with depth identical to the fragment depth detected in the previous pass are discarded and so not peeled. Stencil Routed A-buffer (SRAB) treats z-fighting for sorted fragments. However, SRAB is limited by the resolution of the stencil buffer and is incompatible with hardware supported multisample antialiasing. k-buffer processes k fragments in a single...