
292views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
13 years 11 months ago
Automatic Generation of Shape Models Using Nonrigid Registration with a Single Segmented Template Mesh
Statistical shape modeling using point distribution models (PDMs) has been studied extensively for segmentation and other image analysis tasks. Methods investigated in the literat...
Geremy Heitz, Torsten Rohlfing, Calvin R. Maurer J...
208views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
13 years 11 months ago
Fourier Volume Rendering on the GPU Using a Split-Stream-FFT
The Fourier volume rendering technique operates in the frequency domain and creates line integral projections of a 3D scalar field. These projections can be efficiently generated ...
Thomas Jansen, Bartosz von Rymon-Lipinski, Nils Ha...
185views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
13 years 11 months ago
Convexification of Unstructured Grids
Unstructured tetrahedral grids are a common data representation of three-dimensional scalar fields. For convex unstructured meshes efficient rendering methods are known. For conca...
Stefan Röttger, Stefan Guthe, Andreas Schiebe...
183views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
13 years 11 months ago
CGiS, a new Language for Data-parallel GPU Programming
In the last few years, GPUs have become new, promising targets for general purpose programming. Their inherent parallel architecture makes them particularly suited for scientific ...
Nicolas Fritz, Philipp Lucas, Philipp Slusallek
179views Visualization» more  VMV 2004»
13 years 11 months ago
High-Resolution Interactive Panoramas with MPEG-4
We present a system for the interactive navigation through high-resolution cylindrical panoramas. The system is based on MPEG-4 and describes the virtual world by the scene descri...
Peter Eisert, Yong Guo, Anke Riechers, Jürgen...
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