Today's high-performance single-chip CMOS microprocessors are the most complex and challenging chip designs ever implemented. To stay on the leading edge, Digital's micro...
Abstract--Multi-core processors with accelerators are becoming commodity components for high-performance computing at scale. While accelerator-based processors have been studied in...
M. Mustafa Rafique, Ali Raza Butt, Dimitrios S. Ni...
3D integration technology greatly increases transistor density while providing faster on-chip communication. 3D implementations of processors can simultaneously provide both laten...
Abstract. In this paper, a real-life routing and scheduling problem encountered is addressed. The problem, which consists in optimizing the delivery of fluids by tank trucks on a ...
We combine mixed integer linear programming (MILP) and constraint programming (CP) to minimize tardiness in planning and scheduling. Tasks are allocated to facilities using MILP an...