Pairwise sequence alignment is a fundamental operation for homology search in bioinformatics. For two DNA or protein sequences of length ¢ and £ , full-matrix (FM), dynamic prog...
Adrian Driga, Paul Lu, Jonathan Schaeffer, Duane S...
Aligning multiple DNA or protein sequences is a fundamental step in the analyses of phylogeny, homology and molecular structure. Heuristic algorithms are applied because optimal mu...
Background: Computational methods to predict transcription factor binding sites (TFBS) based on exhaustive algorithms are guaranteed to find the best patterns but are often limite...
Background: Several problems exist with current methods used to align DNA sequences for comparative sequence analysis. Most dynamic programming algorithms assume that conserved se...
Aligning DNA and protein sequences is a core technique in molecular biology. Often, it is desirable to include partial prior knowledge and conditions in an alignment. Going beyond...