The largeness and the heterogeneity of most graph-modeled datasets in several database application areas make the query process a real challenge because of the lack of a complete ...
Federica Mandreoli, Riccardo Martoglia, Giorgio Vi...
Network monitoring is a complex task that generally requires the use of different tools for specific purposes. This paper describes a flexible network monitoring tool, called Pa...
Natascha Petry Ligocki, Carmem S. Hara, Christiano...
In this paper we discuss two ways to provide flexible hardware support for the reduction step in Elliptic Curve Cryptography in binary fields (GF(2m )). In our first approach w...
Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures (AAIs) are gaining momentum throughout the Internet. Solutions have been proposed for various scenarios among them academia, GRID ...
Highly interactive collaborative applications need to offer each user a consistent view of the interactions represented by the streams exchanged between dispersed groups of users....
Cezar Plesca, Romulus Grigoras, Philippe Qué...