This paper proposes a novel descriptor, granularitytunable
gradients partition (GGP), for human detection.
The concept granularity is used to define the spatial and angular
Yazhou Liu (Harbin Institute of Technology), Shigu...
To be able to utilize the generative potential of future networks for service composition, the attributes of services and networks must be appropriately formalized, stored and mad...
We present a novel technique for the efficient boundary evaluation of sweep operations applied to objects in polygonal boundary representation. These sweep operations include Mink...
In many applications involving make-to-order or time-sensitive (e.g., perishable, seasonal) products, finished orders are often delivered to customers immediately or shortly after...
Kernel machines (e.g. SVM, KLDA) have shown state-ofthe-art performance in several visual classification tasks. The classification performance of kernel machines greatly depends o...