Abstract. The aim of the MMiSS project is the construction of a multimedia Internet-based adaptive educational system. Its content will initially cover a whole curriculum in the ar...
In order to help users navigate an image search system, one could provide explicit information on a small set of images as to which of them are relevant or not to their task. Thes...
Many museum and library archives are digitizing their large collections of handwritten historical manuscripts to enable public access to them. These collections are only available...
Most modern RDBMS depend on the query processing optimizer’s cost model to choose the best execution plan for a given query. Since the physical IO (PIO) is a costly operation to...
The use of Support Vector Machines (SVMs) to represent the performance space of analog circuits is explored. In abstract terms, an analog circuit maps a set of input design parame...
Fernando De Bernardinis, Michael I. Jordan, Albert...