Much current work on modelling and verifying microprocessors can accommodate pipelined and superscalar processors. However, superscalar and pipelined processors are no longer state...
Transactional memory is emerging as a parallel programming paradigm for multi-core processors. Despite the recent interest in transactional memory, there has been no study to char...
This paper explores microarchitecture models for a simultaneous multithreaded processor with multimedia enhancements. We enhance a wide-issue superscalar processor by the simultan...
Simultaneous multithreading is a technique that permits multiple independent threads to issue multiple instructions each cycle. In previous work we demonstrated the performance po...
Dean M. Tullsen, Susan J. Eggers, Joel S. Emer, He...
This paper examines simultaneous multithreading, a technique permitting several independent threads to issue instructions to a superscalar's multiple functional units in a si...