Given a set of query points, a dynamic skyline query reports all data points that are not dominated by other data points according to the distances between data points and query po...
Many large-scale networks such as ad hoc and sensor networks, peer-to-peer networks, or the Internet have the property that the number of independent nodes does not grow arbitrari...
Abstract. An (α, β)-spanner of a graph G is a subgraph H that approximates distances in G within a multiplicative factor α and an additive error β, ensuring that for any two no...
Bilel Derbel, Cyril Gavoille, David Peleg, Laurent...
During the last decade, the study of large scale complex networks has attracted a substantial amount of attention and works from several domains: sociology, biology, computer scie...
Antoine Scherrer, Pierre Borgnat, Eric Fleury, Jea...