As large-scale sensor networks are being deployed with the objective of collecting quality data to support user queries and decision-making, the role of a scalable query model beco...
Transaction-level modelling (TLM) is a poorlyterm, promising a level of abstraction like RTL (register transfer level), where the key feature is a `transaction'. But unlike r...
The Semantic Web is the next step of the current Web where information will become more machine-understandable to support effective data discovery and integration. Hierarchical sc...
Theodore Dalamagas, Alexandra Meliou, Timos K. Sel...
OLAP defines a set of data warehousing query tools characterized by providing a multidimensional view of data. Information can be shown at different aggregation levels (often call...
Building classification models plays an important role in DNA mircroarray data analyses. An essential feature of DNA microarray data sets is that the number of input variables (gen...